Some Food for Thought.....

"Society is an insane asylum ran by the inmates." Erving Goffman

Friday, February 25, 2011


As those of you who have had me in class before might know, I have kind of a thing for the TV show Survivor. I don't think I have what it takes to be a sneaky person to go the distance on the show, but it's a perfect labratory of human behavior. We identified all the different types of groups that existed in the episode of Survivor we watched in class today, and although I didn't ask you to identify these in class, I know there are examples of the different types of group social interaction within the video as well (remember these? Cooperation, Conflict, Social Exchange, Coercion, and Conformity). The way all the different members of the tribe work together to build a shelter or approach a challenge? Cooperation. The way they all gang up on Billy to have him voted out of the tribe? Conflict. HOW they got the people to gang up on Billy even though they all didn't agree with Ozzy's strategy? Coercion. The way they all went along with Ozzy's dumb idea anyway? Conformity. My challenge for you today is go out and try to identify each of the different types of social interactions within not only the real life encounters that you have, but in different television shows or movies that you might watch. They're out there......

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