Some Food for Thought.....

"Society is an insane asylum ran by the inmates." Erving Goffman

Friday, September 17, 2010

Like, I Need To, Ummmm, Write a Post

Time was spent over the past few days discussing the role of language in the transmission of culture from generation to generation, as well as how the language itself is symbolic of the culture it represents. I know that a majority of you spent Thursday speaking extra slowly making sure not to use the word "like" in your sentences (I sure did during parent open house!), or listening to others speak, making tallies of how many times they used the word like in their sentences :) Language sure has changed! Text messages have abbreviated how we speak, we speak so quickly we've added in filler words to buy us time to come up with the vocabulary we need, we're dumbing ourselves down by using basic vocabulary instead of stretching our intelligence and using "big words," technology has turned nouns into verbs, i.e. friended, to Google, Facebooked, and we're a much more vulgar bunch than we have been in the past. I mean, take a look at this sign here.....honestly people, how many of you saw 'lol' instead of a drowning person?

1 comment:

  1. This concept reminds me of the book 1984 when English was being replaced by newspeak. It's a little scary.
