Some Food for Thought.....

"Society is an insane asylum ran by the inmates." Erving Goffman

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Makes Haas Tick.....

Since I'm asking you all to create a blog post to fill us all in on who you are and how you fit into the society that we will spend the semester studying, I figure I'd better share about myself too. You can use this post as a guide on how to set your first posts up as well.

I am a: teacher, wife, dog-mommy, devoted auntie, daughter, friend, theater-lover, craft-maker, book-reader, and a map-nerd (and there is a sociological term that goes along with this that we'll cover 2nd quarter!). I honestly think that if you took one of those things away from my personality, I wouldn't be the same person. If you're going to be a part of this society, I approach it as go in or go home, so I try to live life to the fullest and do as much as I can.

I've been influenced by many things. My parents (obviously) played a big role in my socialization process, and did a lot to guide me in the rights and wrongs of society. You'll actually see shades of my dad in class on a daily basis--I have his sense of humor. My 87 year old grandma that I will be talking about a lot in class? She's the cat's pajamas and I want to be just like her when I grow up :) She has been through a lot in life, and can still put a big ole' smile on her face. This sounds really dumb, but I'm also influenced by one of my dogs, Sadie. See, we found out in September that she has bone cancer, and she had a leg amputated shortly thereafter. She's crazy active, and we were worried that would slow her down. 4 months later, she's cancer-free (so far as we can tell) and she has not slowed down in the least. I think that's really cool that she can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. And I also find it a reflection on society today that you can treat a dog for bone cancer, surgery, meds, chemotherapy and all, yet there are millions of Americans who, due to economic circumstances or otherwise, can't afford health care. Stratification at its worst.

My goals are different from yours as I am about twice your age :) I've done the education thing...and then some (go Illini!). I wanted to get a teaching job....and here I am. Homeownership? Check! Get married? Done! Kids? Well.....I spend about 12 hours a day with you and your peers here at school. A quiet house when I get home is a good thing :) Be a published card maker? Actually have that taken care of (check out a PaperCrafts magazine soon!). This doesn't mean that I have no goals or purpose in life. I figure I can always get better at everything that I do, and it's OK to try new things (like this whole blog thing....). Who knows? Maybe I'll be teacher of the year! :)

So that's me in a nutshell. I think I'm in the process of leaving my mark on society, and I'm looking forward to seeing the paths that you will take to blaze a trail on the world. Peace out (for now) peeps!

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